
by Rake Vragen B.V.



When dealing with patterns, good questions won’t take you any further, they can only give you analytical information. This will only make you work harder. You need information about connections. Moving Questions inquire about connections. But how to know which question to ask? This app is the solution. It’s super easy to use:o define the problem that’s keeping you stuck or the pattern you find yourself in;o shake your phone and a question will pop-up;o use this question to reorganize the connections that created the problem and enforced the pattern.How to use the app:- When coaching (online): let your client shake his phone and work with the question that pops up.- To start your day: include the question in your meditation or start of the day.- For intervision: discuss a case and choose a question three times. The first question is about the case itself, the second one is about the owner of the case and the third one is about a direction to a solution.- In a constellation: have a representative shake a question, ask it out loud and notice where in the system it resonates.- To train yourself in systemic working and thinking.Moving Questions are a practical application of systemic work, well known from family and organizational constellations. We love to develop questions, tools and training programs that use this knowledge so everyone can use it in all contexts. We believe that this way all energy that is stuck in patterns, will become available to improve the quality of our lives. Check for more infoYou can always ask a question. Out loud or to yourself. It’s the easiest way to create change. Especially when you think change isn’t possible.Download now!Register and get the free tips and mini course for free.